
Place to See

Special places of interest close by the hotel

With so much to do and see, below we’ve listed just a few of the most highly recommended things to see during your visit!

Connemara National Park

Connemara National Park

Situated about a 40 minute drive from our Hotel. Connemara National Park is 1 of…

Wild Atlantic Way Discover Park

Wild Atlantic Way Discover Park

  • 2 min walk to the beach2 min walk to the beach
  • Sleep max 2/3 adultsSleep max 2/3 adults

Stories of Marconi Wireless Station and of the first air crossing of the Atlantic by…

The John D’arcy Monument

The John D’arcy Monument

The famous John D’Arcy Monument can be found in Clifden, Co Galway, Ireland, Monument in…

The Connemara Smokehouse

The Connemara Smokehouse

Welcome to the Connemara Smokehouse, where visitors can experience the authentic taste of the West…

Glengowla Mines

Glengowla Mines

Glengowla Mines is a “show mine” dedicated to the lead and silver mining history of…

Kylemore Abbey

Kylemore Abbey

At Kylemore Abbey and Victorian Walled Garden, there is so much for all the family…

Alcock and Brown

Alcock and Brown

The first non-stop transatlantic flight by Alcock and Brown started in New Foundland and ended…

Sky Road

Sky Road

The Sky Road is an exhilarating 11km/7ml circular drive west of Clifden. The 12 Bens…